Saturday, June 16, 2007

Chapter 6 – ONE Star, SEVEN Jewels

Onyx, Phoebe and the little Mink was inside a circular white room with a bookstand and a large book in the center. On the air was the answer to Minks first Question to the Book of Srewsna. They were astonished on the reaction of the book to unexpected questions of Mink. After several seconds the letters zoomed back into the book and suddenly the book closed on its own. They came to their senses, relieved and decided on what to do next.

“So this is the book of Srewsna, something is telling me that this will be an interesting conversation with a friendly book…” Onyx told Phoebe and mink while still staring at the big book with so much scrambled letters.

“Phoebe you should ask the book, for you have enough knowledge on the phoenix than me and Mink.” Onyx requested for he knew that phoebe lived in a library that once housed informations on the phoenix and the legend. Now they will know the true Legend based on the Book of the kings and Wise men of Forza.

“Book of Srewsna Please tell us Where can we find the Phoenix?”

The Book suddenly opened and scrambled letters flew out in the air somehow spelling some sentences visible to all.

“The Answer lies on a STAR….” Was spelled on mid air. This does not make any sense. Phoebe, Onyx and mink were so much confused on the books answer.

“What star are you talking about?” Mink asked politely to the book.
The scrambled letters again shifted its position and another answer was formed.

“The Star that will show the way to the SEVEN keys.”
The lifted letters hovers on mid-air.

A follow up question was asked by Onyx. “Tell me book of Srewsna, what are the SEVEN keys you are talking about?”

“The seven are the seven pillars of the kingdom, a gift from the phoenix…” was again formed on the scrambles letters on Mid-air…

“I knew it, a star will show us the way to the Seven jewel Stones, which represents the seven fiery tails of the phoenix. Legends tells us that the phoenix when it first appeared gave the Forza Kingdom Seven jewels that brought upon a lasting hope and light to all of the kingdom. The seven jewel stones served also as protector of the Blood line who was tasked to protect the golden ashes of the phoenix.” Phoebe exclaimed on a happy tone to both Mink and Onyx.

“So you are telling me that A star will lead us to the SEVEN? After finding the Seven jewels we will only find the Phoenix?” Onyx asked Phoebe.

Even before Phoebe can answer the scrambled letters on the air sudden wizzed and rearranged itself to form another answer to the question.

“The star will lead you to Things you never knew existed during these dark times…”

Though the answer does not make any sense, Phoebe asked another question,

“Tell us Book of Srewsna, these seven, are these the Seven Jewels of the Kingdom…?”

“The seven are bound to protect a Bloodline, so powerful though, powers were diminished after a great Light…”

“So what really happened after the DEATH LIGHT EXPLOSION?”

“Terrible darkness started to overwhelm the kingdom, beware darkness arises on the west…”

“Who are we up against, we have encountered one of them on the forest?”Onyx asked out of curiousity.

“A powerful clan of darkness, a force that can only be stopped by the Phoenix thorugh the HELP of the seven jewels…”

Mink started to be confused on the books confusing answer…

“But How can we fight them, if you tell that the seven jewels can help us, can you tell us what are their powers?

“The moonlight gives POWERFUL and MIGHTY Light in total Darkness…”

“A Holy and Divine Power Gives the heart a leap of faith…”

“A Shining Hope will serve as the protector of all.”

“The Elements serves as a powerful tool to destroy the darkness…”

“A power will give life and bring back NATURE’s beauty…”

“A Secret Power will be reveled from within…”

“The darkness will serve as the Balance…”

“The star you are talking about, is this something to do with my three star birthmark?” Onyx asked the book.

“The stars in you proves that you are born for great things, but the Star you need is a MAP…”

“A MAP?...”


A large hoarse voice was heard and they eventually turned and saw standing behind them a man dressed in silky cloth, tan skinned, face somehow distorted, but still stands royally, alas it was the KING ELVINE….

While they were figuring out what to explain to the king why they are inside the magical room, they did not noticed all the letters went back inside the book and it closed quietly. The opened door where the king entered, leads to the great library…

“Step out of the magical room and go to the throne room, you have so much to explain, young children…”

The king at the back of his eyes saw the legendary mikiro and its STAR tipped tail while he was safely hiding from Onyx’s back. He knew already what this means…