Friday, June 8, 2007

Chapter 1: The Knight Awakens

“That dream again…”
Onyx awakens from a terrible nightmare, panting and gasping for breath. The weak Sunstar was just about to emit its pale light, the symbol that a new gloomy day for the kingdom of FORZA has started. Onyx is a young man who lives in an isolated area, the village of Sunbulah, together with her mother. With black silky hair, eyes of hazel, a prominent cheekbone and a speck of tiny stars on his forehead, his angelic face always shows calmness even in his deepest slumbers. His built according to his mother was inherited from his father who passed away when he was still a child. According to his mom, his father died in the last battle of the kingdom when he was still a baby.
Since he was a child, her mother was alone to nurture and give him all he wanted. He loved her mother more than anything else.

“Onyx, common down, breakfast is ready”. His mother called, who was indeed a beautiful maiden, blond hair, hazel eyes and with a body that gracefully moves in all manners of movement.

“Good morning mom, I had the dream again… It’s the same old dream, just don’t know if its true or not.”

“Its just a dream son, don’t think any foolish thing, its not true…”

“I just can’t help but think, what do I have to do with the king and some man named Lithian, the five and the phoenix. Is the phoenix true all I thought, it was just a legend.”

“For God’s sake Onyx, stop talking about the legend, all of us know its forbidden to talk about it…”

“But Mom, Grandpa always said that…”

“Onyx its not true, and its just legend, Your grandpa is wrong, its just a story…”

“I just cant believe that the Phoenix tried to kill the Bloodline that tried to protect it from the enemies that sought after it. Its just don’t make any sense.”

“All I know is that we have to move forward, we have a new King, though he is not as good as the previous one, but at least there is someone out there, trying to win the hearts of every FORZAnian…”

“OK, oh im late already, oh mom , I love you and see you…”

“take care of yourself son, may the light shine upon you… youre very precious…

“If he only knew….” her mother seems worried

As Onyx runs through the thick forest to his Grandpas workshop situated in the capital city of Forza, Hyrule, he cant help but notice the drastic changes of the kingdom. It was the year 3510, 7th Enix, 10 years after the explosion of the bright light from the Fire chamber. He can barely remember the dreaded day, now known as the Death Light Explosion. He was just seven years old when he and his granpa, ONIMUS, went to the ENIX celebration to witness the birth of the CHOSEN ONE, the Phoenix, who as per his grandpa’s tales, will bring again the balance, the light and peace. The phoenix will once again eradicate the surrounding darkness of Forza and renew the dying light of the world. All he could remember was the great blinding light that seems to be an explosion that came from the Fire Chamber. Lots of people died during the said explosion, including his Grandfather. He was one of the few who survived the explosion in the gathered crowd. No one can answer why the birth of the phoenix brought death instead of life. After the great light, tremendous horrors filled the land. It was announced that the royal blood line has ended; the great King Illidun was dead. The kings ONLY relative, his grandson, Prince Lithian, abandoned the throne and was declared dead after several weeks of missing in action. The Chief Magistrate, High ELVINE who was the kings most trusted ally, took over the throne and started vast changes on the kingdom. All information about the phoenix was burned and after sometime even talking about the legend was prohibited in public places.

All magical things that once protected FORZA Cease to exist. The twin Luna whose lights were the protector of the darkness of the night, suddenly disappeared, The magical jewels that protects the royal bloodline was destroyed during the explosion. The bright Sunstar which brought the golden light to the kingdom started to fade its glory light that made the day, gloomy that started to spread, sickness, discord, emptiness and uneasiness to the FORZAnians… And most importantly he lost his Grandpa who used to teach hin the ways of the good, the legend of the Phoenix and the way to wield the his father’s mighty sword.

“What the…?”

Onyx was on his way to his late Grandpa’s workshop when he noticed a bright stream of light from the dark forest, before the BLUE RIVER. He was a bit curious, for magical lights were diminished by the darkness after the Great Explosion. Onyx turned around and entered the thick woods of the dark forest to where the light is coming from. The more he gets close the more he gets nervous. The dying dark forest is really scary, as he advances he noticed that some flowers started to grow and the surrounding darkness started to have life. Then he saw a bright little sleeping fellow, surrounded with magical FLOROLIAN flowers, a very rare magical plant that can heal any sickness…

“this cant be true, it’s a MIKIRO”, Onyx cant believe his eyes…