Friday, June 8, 2007

Chapter 2: Mikiro's Tale

A tall hooded black figure sits on a high chair clutching a black stone. The only source of light inside the cold stone hall was two black fires lifted on a torch. All of a sudden another hooded figure appeared. The outline of the new comer can be seen as a muscular man with a visible sword safely clutched on his sides.
“My Lord, is it time…?”
“The Prophesy never fails, Pestilence… Go search for the light, Bring him to me…”
“As you wish my Lord…”

The warmth of the light that the Mikiro emits gives a warm feeling to the not so far away Onyx. Onyx was still stunned on what he saw. The tiny little Mikiro, lay on a bright stream of light. The Light is coming from a peculiar stone near the Flolorian Flowers. As the little creature peacefully sleeps, Onyx silently stares on the lovely fellow. According to his grandpa, a Mikiro is an ancient magical creature. It is a playful and funny little fellow, with white fur, a long tail with a star on its tip, his head resembles that of a teddy bear. A small violet dot is prominently seen on the chest of the Mikiro. The magical fellow is the last sign of hope for the kingdom drenched in darkness. The Mikiro is the map to the location of the golden ashes of the Phoenix. Onyx found the opportunity to help the dying kingdom, at last one shining hope for the kingdom of FORZA.

As Onyx was about to touch the little Mikiro, the fellow suddenly floated on thin air, still surrounded by bright light, approaching the young Onyx. The Mikiro suddenly opened its blue eyes… and started to speak in a sweet tiny voice, and seems in a mystical TRANCE…

“You came, the prophesy was fulfilled… A young Knight will awaken and take possession of one of the JEWELS…”
“What are you talking about, im no knight, im just ordinary” Onyx replied.
“A Knight with stars on his forehead will take His sword and defend the land against the Darkness…”
“Wait, I cant understand what youre telling, im just a kid… im ordinary”
“My memories of the past seem too dark. The dark cloud of the sky hinders my mind to recall the past, because of the spread of discord, my memories were lost. But there were visions. The fire chamber was filled with powerful blasts, there was a physical argument inside, the king was stabbed on the chest, then an explosion of light… Yes, yes, yes, an explosion… Now, now… the magical jewels, seven of them were scattered throughout the land…. After, after, prince Lithian came outside to archway of light, carrying what seem to be golden ashes and threw it into the air, an eagle like image formed and a sudden wind blew the ashes in different directions…. The phoenix is gone… After that Little Prince Lithian was nowhere to be found, The Magical jewels were gone to oblivion and then darkness started to take over…. I am the remaining map to the location of the phoenix…” the Mikiro ended his account
“So where is the Phoenix….?”
Suddenly the mystical trance voice changed. A funny playful mikiro emerges…
“Actually I don’t know also.” Mikiro on his funny little tone..
“what do you mean you don’t know? Youre the map, the custodian, our only hope. You said im the Knight youre looking for”
“Did I said that?, youre really funny. Oh well. All people exaggerated my duty… I am totally clueless like you also on the location of the Phoenix…” The Mikiro laughed.
“I thought that you will be a help, but youre somewhat….”

Onyx didn’t finished his sentence, all of a sudden a tall dark man appeared meters away from them, carrying a bronze sword, his face so rugged, his eyes full of grief and his body covered in hard metal armor…

“So the little dimwit is already awake… Give the weakling to me little boy.”
“Who in the name of Illidun are You?” Onyx was filled with fear…
“ I am the Knight of the Black Flame, and im here to take the Mikiro…”
‘Don’t let him take me, please help me…” The little one shook in fear…
“OK just stay beside me…”

Onyx knew that he was no match with the big knight, though he is scared, he is determined to fight for the magical creature…. Onyx was a neophyte in swordhandling. He knew little knowledge on wielding the sword…. All of a sudden the Knight of the Black flame waved his sword and a flame, a black one, streamed towards Onyx. Onyx was hit by the flame and fell back wards. His sword flown away from his hands… He was ready to give up when he noticed a glowing stone of light near the place where the Mikiro was previously laid.

“Pick the stone, and touch the stars…” a voice in his head was heard…
Onyx without second thought picked the stone, but he cant understand why, “what stars?” he thought. He glanced back and saw the Mikiro motionless, it was hit also by the black flame… Then it dawned to him, he has a three star birthmark on his forehead…

“The stars…” he stood up, with the bright ivory colored stone on his right hand.
He raised the stone above his forehead near the three star birthmark… then another voice whisphered…. “just chant youre name, and youll kow what to do….”

“my Name?... “

The knight of the Black flame was again ready to make another blow….

Onyx closed his eyes. The stone still raised near his forehead, above the three stars… out of the Blue he whispered….
“Onyx, the Knight of the Moonlight….”in soft magical voice….
There was a sudden burst of light from Onyx’s three star birthmark and started to overwhelmed his body.. Onyx’s armor was also overwhelmed with the light it seems so bright, it almost turned white. A magical sword appeared on his hands… Because of the outburst of light the Mikiro, suddenly awakens from the blast and muttered….
“Oh in phoenix’s name, is that the Moonstone youre holding… oh its not possible, no it is…”

“A moonstone…?” The Knight of the Moonlight replied.