Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chapter 5 – The Book of Srewsna

As the great oak door of the Library opened, Onyx saw an elderly woman lying on the floor. The mikiro was still holding on his shoulders while Phoebe started to ran to the position of the woman. It was Phoebe’s grandma Erythrine, she was a loving, caring and understanding grandma to Phoebe. She has grown weak ever since the DEATH LIGHT EXPLOSION, for reasons unexplainable to even doctors, and wizards of the kingdom. Perhaps the darkness is affecting her body that makes her weaker as the day goes by. Onyx immediately closed the doors so that they could not be followed by the Ornakhs
“Oh grandma are you ok? Its phoebe talk to me…”
“Are you alright child, I heard a demonic chant, I thought you were in trouble so I got up in bed to check on you… thank HEAVENS youre safe..” grandma in a weak voice. Phoebe now almost in tears, she has been so much worried on her grandmas health conditions. She was her only family, and her grandma is the most precious person in her.
“Youre with Onyx…”
“Good morning Grandma Erythrine… Phoebe let us move grandma to her bedroom…”
As they move Grandma Erythrine on her bed located on the basement of the library, Onyx noticed the vast change on the great library. Majority of the bookshelves are empty, and a handful of books are retained only in one section of the library. The usual crowded place now is as silent as a cemetery. He knew the reason behind this; the king has decreed that informations pertaining to the phoenix should be destroyed, in honor of the death of the King Illidun, Prince Lithian and the Five. Forzanians never really understood why it was even forbidden to talk about the phoenix anymore; it’s as if the new king hated the phoenix for bringing again the darkness which the kingdom has fought for almost 7 Enix’es.
AS they lay the weak Erythrine on the bed, Onyx noticed the sadness on Minks Eyes, the same sadness that can be seen on Phoebe’s. It’s as if Mink knew the old woman already, or is it just the feeling of longing for Minks family? The same sadness that he feels for his father and grandpa…
“Onyx…” mink whisphered. “Remember the florolian flowers that you got from the dark forest… use them on Grandma, that will ease the weakness, and maybe bring back the healthy body she once have….”
“Oh is that a MIKIRO, is this for real, am I still awake…?” Grandma erthrine spoke weakly…”
“Yes grandma this is Mink, the legendary mikiro who awakens to bring us the light and the balance of good… through the Phoenix…” Onyx now started to tell the story of how he found Mink, the Moonstone, the Knight of the Black Flame, The ornakh…
“It means you are the destined one who will help mink find the phoenix? If that is true I’m also willing to help you…” Phoebe asked his grandmas approval…
While they are talking Mink is now magically spreading the sweet nectar of the Florolian flowers on Grandmas whole body, as he was doing these the violet dot on his chest started to glow and emit a wonderful aura… sprinkles of light started to fall from the Florolian flowers and thereby absorbed by grandmas body…
“Onyx, Mink how much can I thank you, you saved my Grandma…” Phoebe started to hug Onyx and kissed him on the forehead… Onyx started to blush, Phoebe kissed also Mink AND he also blushed….”
“That feels so good; my body is now starting to have some strength… Florolian flowers were brought by the phoenix from the Twin luna as gift to the Forzanians. That’s the reason when you found the Moonstone, Florolian flowers grew there… You have found the first of the jewels which means the Seven survived the explosion, you only need to search for them..” Grandma Erythrine...
“Now if you don’t mind grandma we badly need you’re help, because our dear friend lost his memory, of all things, we need information about the phoenix and how we can find the golden ashes…. Through this we can defeat the darkness..” Onyx
“All I know is that you need the seven jewels, before you can get the ashes. I don’t know the reasons but the legend says so that the seven jewels are symbolism of the seven magical tails of the phoenix… the moonstone you are holding have the power of the Twin Luna and the stars, though I have little information about the other jewels I only knew small bit about the moonstone and the heavenstone
“The Heavenstone?” Howd you know that, I can’t remember a heavenstone, or is it gravelstone, or sandstone?” Mink was now confused, because his memory was lost he cant remember anything at all.
“While the Moonstone is the symbol of powerful light in total darkness, The heavenstone is a Holy jewel that descended from the heavens, that Symbolizes pureness of heart, love and Life… That’s all I know my dear children… the location as we all know, can be found only through the Mikiro, in our case Mink…”
“Mink has lost his memories; we need some other sources, maybe a book…”
“Onyx, the king has destroyed all informations about the phoenix, you cant find no record here in the library…” Phoebe answered.
“Phoebe, legends can be recorded in the book and eventually it will be lost, but legends that is stored in the mind of people who cared for the kingdom will never be lost, for the mind is a magnificent library, we only need the correct Question…” Grandma Erythrine focused his spectacles to Onyx as if waiting for the questions… Grandma continued her story… “There is a book that can answer all the questions, but beware, true informations will only be revealed to people with pure and kind heart...”

Onyx, Phoebe and now the sleepy Mink, listened intently to the now sitting grandma on her accounts of the book that can answer all questions…”

“The Book is called Books of Srewsna. The book is located in the secret room inside the castle. This is where the king can only access. All the information of the entirety of the kingdom is stored on this book including the identity of the FIVE, the history of Forza, and The magical attributes of the jewels and even the Location of the Phoenix ashes. All the Wisdom of the past kings and wise men of Forza is stored in only one book, that’s why it was separated in one of the magical rooms of the Palace…” as ive said only the TRUE king can access the book. Through this the wisdom on the book gives the guide to the new king… “

“Grandma so it is not possible for us to go to that library and locate the book, as you have told only the king can access the secret room.” Phoebe asked.

“Yes that is true but there are always exceptions to all rules, in this case. A librarian can access a library… yes a librarian…”
“A Librarian, you’re a librarian, what are you saying grandma…?” Phoebe was intrigued.
“Child the late king Illidun has trusted me with the secret of the Book of Srewsna, he has given me a magical key, that can open a secret door that only I knew.” Grandma looked a little sad after uttering the sentence..
“Are you ok grandma, you looked sad” Onyx asked
“No I just remembered how kind and pure hearted the king was, anyhow, the key is in the possession of a lovely lady with green eyes, blond hair and an angelic face with slight freckles on her face…” grandama

“Are you serious grandma? No its not possible…”
“Trust me child the key is with you.”
Then Phoebe remembered that during his childhood years her grandma gave her one pretty necklace with an angelic pendant, she knew this what she is talking about…
“You mean this pendant grandma,?”
“Yes my dear…”
Oh grandma im so much humbled, it is so much precious but still you have entrusted it to me… I love you grandma…”
“I have trusted you ever since, you indeed took great care of it… now I will give you my blessings to help mink and onyx to recover the phoenix and bring that light…. I knew the time you were born and the eventual death of you’re parents that you are destined for this… ill pray for your success….
Now grandma weakly stood up and opened a dark trapdoor that seems to be a tunnel…

This will lead you to the secret room, I do hope you will acquire whatever wisdom you need in the difficult journey you will face…

He then hugged tightly phoebe and whispered, take care of yourself and wherever my life will lead me I will always pray for you… I love you…” then she approached Onyx and mink she stared intently on the two, “I know for a fact that you value my grand daughter so much, please protect her and care for her, she’s VERY precious… my sense is telling me that my journey in this life has come to its denouement, I have finally witnessed the beginning of the emergence of the light and I know you will succeed in the difficult tasked ahead of you…”

“Grandma don’t say that, youll be alights…” phoebe
“oh child im old and I think its time for me to take my rest, we will see each other again, trust me…”

Somehow phoebe is feeling something that she can’t explain what… all she knew that she will protect and fight for her grandma. She can give her life in exchange for all the years she cared for her….

“Now go… the Books of Srewsna awaits you….”

Phoebe hugged and kissed her grandma for the last time and they entered the dark tunnel.
The Darkness was immense. Mink raised his tail and a flicker of light appeared on the star tipped tail… the long walk on the tunnel was a bit long it took them almost half an hour, the stone walls was cold. As they were coming close the necklace on Phoebe’s neck was stating to emit a white glow…. Then they came to a stop and a hard stone wall is blocking their way… it seems that it was a dead end but then phoebe raised her necklace and an image of an angel carved on the stone wall appeared. A door opened and they entered inside a bright white circular room. in the center of the room was a bookstand with an old rugged and dirty big book on the center, they approached the book and opened it, scrambled letters were on each pages of the book, from beginning up to the last pages of the book…

“What kind of book is this? This will not help us?.” Mink was disappointed.

Then all of a sudden the book started to flip its pages on its own, letters started to move and they were shocked when the letters flew up in the air that then formed what seems to be an answer to Minks Question…

“I am the Book of Srewsna, I will be a help trust me,
little Mikiro…”

The three was agape; all of their mouths were opened in total shock!