Monday, July 2, 2007

Chapter 10 – The Road to Sunbulah

A man in skeleton armor holding a staff with green orb on its tip was seen approaching a high chair inside the hall lighted only with black flame. Sitted on the high chair was a hooded man only called as MASTER. The master was talking three other. One known as the Pestilence, Knight of the black flame, the two others were called Cannibal and Virus. Cadaver now slowly approaches the group.

“I am very disappointed Cadaver, you are the most skillfull of all your siblings, but still you have failed.” The master was a bit angry with Cadaver.

“ I underestimated them, they now possess two of the jewels, powerful that even can match your powers master.” Cadaver answered.

“DON’T UNDERESTIMATE Him, cadaver. Master has the most powerful…” the man called Cannibal was stopped by the master from continuing his words.

“That’s enough Cannibal, what important now is to get the jewels and the map.” The master raised his clutched hands with a blackstone on it and on thin air a black hooded figure sitted with a crystal ball appeared.

“The five will appear once again and will be a threat to the dark sides rising power. Only by destroying them can the darkness continue its course in engulfing the entire world…”

“Thank you Plauge, The oracle of death has spoken we need to act fastly…”

“Master, JINX is on HER way to retrieve what we need.” Pestilence answered the master.

“Jinx is one of the best witches of the clan she knows what to do.” The man called virus ended the conversation.


Onyx, Phoebe and Mink went out of the city of HYRULE now drenched in fear. Almost all people left the city after the attack of the ORNAKHS, few bodies were seen lying on the ground while other MILITIA were starting to build up to retain the people composure. They went outside the city without any attention at all. Phoebe was still very sad on what happened to her grandma. Mink and Onyx were very supportive of her and tried to make her laugh by making funny faces, but Phoebe was still sad.

“Phoebe, God of the light has reasons why these are happening, we are destined for this and we should do our best to attain what we should attain for the justice of your grandma.” Onyx told phoebe in the most emotional manner.

“Now about the map, what is it that the book said about the map?” Mink asked Phoebe as he was clinging on Onyx’s back.
“the map on the stars or something like that…”

There was a silence then phoebe saw mink tail which was actually a star tipped one.

“Onyx the MIKIRO is the way to the phoenix right?” Phoebe asked

“yeah youre right, but unfortunately this MIKIRO is useless, and actually an ugly doll also” Mink so=unded a little funny.

“Haha” Phoebe slightly laughed…

“see you smile now…”Onyx was happy

“Hey its not funny, not funny at all” Mink was a little annoyed.

“So the star where we can find the map, can it be the star tipped tail of this MIKIRO?” Pheobe asked.

“Yes, its possible, but the question is, how?” Phoebe and Onyx moved their head on minks tail.

They stopped on a big stone and sat on it they tried ti pinch the tail, press the tail and shake it but there was nothing happening there was no map… when they seem hopeless…

“hey you two try to combine youre jewels on my tail, maybe it will work” mink suggested

Phoebe and Onyx drawn their jewels , The moonstone glowed a bit as well as the heavenstone when postioned near the star tipped tail. They were a bit shocked when they eventually placed the jewels on both sides of the tail a hologram was emitted and what seems to be a map was seen out of it. They first saw what seems to be two bright glowing dots on the place where Onyx discovered Mink in the middle of the dark forest. Then the there was a dot of light appeared on the LIBRARY of Phoebe, then slowly by slowly a dot appeared on the twon of Sunbulah the hometown of Onyx. The next Dot of light appeared on Mount HISTUNA and then another on BLUE RIVER’S end. All of a sudden they were interrupted by a shout. A young boy suddenly appeared and without any warning the boy which seems to be dressed like a militia attacked them. Onyx and Phoebe was thrown backwards and the boy snatched Mink. Phoebe and Onyx stood up and followed the boy, they ran as fast as they can.

“KNIGHT OF THE MOONLIGHT” Onys transformed and once again was filled and dressed in white light armor.

“DIVINE SERAPHIM” Phoebe was transfprmed and wings of light appeared on her back while her body was covered on what seems to be white metal armor.
The seraphim used her wings to gain advantage o fthe boy when suddenly a blow of wind hit her with intense power that made her fall to the ground.

“phoebe, are you alright, what happened?” Onyx stopped and attended Phoebe.

“Theres someone else here, shes strong, I can sense her dark powers.

All of a sudden a woman with black short eerie dress was seen with the boy and the unconscious mink. Mink was put to sleep by the boy who was found out was possessed by the woman…

“hello young children, Oh you wanna play, im very soory your toy is woth me, hahaha…”the woman told them with a little playful voice.

“who are you, what do you want from us.” Onyx replied the woman

“Im a friend, don’t be angry with me. I am JINX, the best witch of the dark clan, im the witch of misfortune, the darkness of the future lies on both oof you and im sorry to tell this but I think you need to give up your jewels to me or else I will kill this little fellow, hihihi.” Jink answered sarcastically.

Phoebe stood up still wings on her back while Onyx took hold of his light sword.

“Ready to fight eh! Young boy take hold of this fellow while I handle this two.” Jinx handed over Mink to the young boy who was still speechless with a blank face still under Jinx dark powers.

Jinx suddenly made a hand movement, and suddenly a whip filled with thorns appeared on her hands.

“WHIP OF DEATH” she made a whipping action and the whip suddenly elongated and hit both the Knight and SERAPHIM.

“See its useless to fight, you have no match with the dark Clan, youll die now so better give…WHIP OF DEATH” another blow was made but this time the knight and the seraphim was ready. The Seraphim flew while Onyx.:

“SHIELD OF LIGHT” a bright shiled appeared and hindred the whip on hitting Onyx.
“SILENT PRAYER” a colorful aura appeared around the seraphim

“So my brothers were correct you have few weakling abilities, but can you match mine?

“BLACK AURORA” the eerie aurora that was only seen on the land of SCHEOL was seen on the sky of FORZA. The aurora suddenly disappeared and once again appeared around JINX. The power was so immense that even the action of the aurora made the shiled of Onyx disintegrate and the colorful aura of phoebe, now on the ground, disappear.

“you see the BLACK AURORA is one of my masterpieces, it absorbs the light energy you emits, and use it as my own. Hihihi”

“Now what we will do” the seraphim asked.

“Don’t worry I will protect you!” Onyx told Phoebe

“its time to die children, AURORA STRI…. Ahhhhh…”

The aurora around jinx disappeared and at her back stood the young boy who she possessed previously, who stabbed her at the back, clinging on his side was Mink who was now awake and a little bit worried.

“You little rascal…” Jinx eventually turned around her hands were suddenly transformed into somewhat like a sword, as she was about to strike the boy Mink made use of his star tipped tail and emitted a slight lightthat bruned the hands of Jinx. But Jinx has other plans, though burned she cut off the star tipped tail from minks tail and floated on thin air, then disappeared. Phoebe and Onyx ran towards Mink who was injured for the star tipped tail was cut off from him. The seraphim touches mink who is now laid n the ground and crying for pain. Then the light from her body was transferred to minks tail and then instantly it was healed.

“thanks Phoebe I needed that… and thanks young boy for the help….” Mink was now feeling good.

“Oh im sorry for bringing trouble unto you, I saw you going outside and I thought it will be better to check what youre up to when suddenly this woman appeared and that’s all I remember. By the way im NIMROD, I am the son of the MILITIA Chief.”

“nice to meet you Nimrod, im Onyx, Shes Phoebe and this is mink.

“So you have powers huh, I really do admire you if I am of help just tell me.” Nimrod asked

“We need a lot of help now, but we should be very discreet for minions of the dark are following us and the map is with them already so we expect more to come.” Phoebe

“Youre right Phoebe” Mink answrred playfully

“Now we should focus more on the jewels for we need them to find the phoenix. We have already two the Moonstone and the Heavenstone, all of this time the third one is at Sunbulah of all places, the fourth on the map will be located on Mount Histuna and another on BLUE RIVERS end.” Onyx enumerated
“But that is only five of them, we need seven…” phoebe asked

“Yeah yeah youre right , we are about to get another two dots of light where the two other jewels are hidden but mr. hero here suddenly appeared and snatched me!!!” Mink explained…

“But five is a number. We need o move on…”Onyx led the way towards Sunbulah.

Three youngsters and a Mikiro is now leading their way towards their next destination: The town of Sunbulah.

Chapter 9: The Seraphims Light

Mink was still staring at Phoebe, now transformed as the Divine Seraphim. The white necklace she was wearing was glowing visibly from her chest. The pendant was shaped like an angel with an amber colored impression on the center.

“Phoebe, the seraphim has a divine and holy power of the light that brings faith and healing. It is a great power against evil and darkness of this world, you are in possession of the second jewel…” Mink blurted it out of intuition; he went back to the unconscious onyx and tried to heal him with the help of the Florolian flowers

“So you also have some magic tricks young lady, or should I call you Seraphim. Though you have the power can that power match mine? I doubt it… DEATH HOWL…” A ghoulish shadow appeared on the staff and suddenly attacked the seraphim.

Phoebe closed her eyes, lifted her arms as if praying… “SILENT PRAYER”… A colorful aura was conjured out of her hands and acted as shield. When the ghoulish shadow touched the aura, it vanishes in thin air. The seraphim pointed her hands to mink and the Knight and the same aura was conjured on both of them. Mink started to administer the FLOROLIAN flowers to Onyx.

“WHAAAAAT, you dare challenge my powers, taste my wrath, you wretched lady.” Cadaver was really angry for the failure on defeating just a girl.

He has mustered all his powers and brought to life the dead Militia on the ground. Around 20 Militia stood up, wielded their sword, now they acted as zombies for Cadaver. As the militia were slowly walking towards the pretty Seraphim, Cadaver started to chant some evil spell..

“CAARNUM, LARSA DARKUUM…” slowly the castle was beginning to be enveloped by darkness, ghoulish creatures howled in enjoyment as they saw the drawing darkness on the city of Hyrule. Though tensed and confused the seraphim closed her eyes to find the strength from within. Her heavenly wings started to emit light to give light to the darkness of the room. As she was doing this, Onyx started to wake up and he noticed what was happening, in front was Phoebe now transformed into a beautiful warrior Seraphim…

“DIVINE PROVIDENCE” the seraphim softly spoke and there was a sudden pause, out of no where an intense light was seen. All of a sudden the dark creatures were blinded by the intense light they saw. The ghoulish creature inside the room suddenly was vanquished. “WAVE OF LIGHT…” The Knights voice was heard and the militia zombies were seen falling dead again and after a few seconds only Cadaver was seen inside the room…

“NOOOOOOOOO!” cadaver was really angry now.

The Knight, The Seraphim and mink was next seen running towards the trap door that will lead them into the secret circular room. They opened the secret door through the Heavenstone as the key and they went directly to the great library of Grandma Erythrine as they opened the door, they saw that the room was disorganized and an Ornakh is administering its sickness to Erythrine…

“WAVE OF LIGHT” a wave of light was emitted from the sword of Onyx. The ghoul was vanquished but it was too late the sickness has been administered, a sickness that even the Florolian flower cannot heal.

“I knew you will find the powers of the heavenstone I knew it…”

Phoebe began to cry, the wings of lights started to disappear as well as Onyx’s light armor as they touched the jewels.

“Oh grandma dot leave me I need you…”

“Shhhh, my princess its time for you to stand tall and fight the darkness, you have found your strength from within and that will help you all the way, you have found new friends treasure them for they are JEWELS that cannot ever be replaced, cannot be destroyed.…” Grandma Erythrine focused her sight on Mink and Onyx. “Gentlemen protect her, protect yourselves, find the phoenix restore the kingdom, bring peace, light and the balance… just remember… in the midst of total darkness where everything seems hopeless, the light will come from within…” then Grandma erythrine died…

“Nooo grandma…” Phoebe was seen crying.


“The light of the Sunstar is slowly coming back, it is almost afternoon, Phoebe we have to move on… we should be strong, we need to go back to Sunbulah, I need to check on my mom..”Onyx was a little concerned on his mom..

A tear from phoebes blue eyes was seen falling into grandmas face, and as phoebe releases her hold on grandmas hands, A light suddenly appeared from grandmas body and all of a sudden tiny little specks of light was seen, her body is slowly disintegrating into some kind of tiny little starlights and floated on air towards the sky and all of a sudden disappeared. Onyx assured Phoebe that her grandmother is happy wherever she maybe…

Friday, June 22, 2007

Chapter 8 – Angelic Wings

Onyx, Phoebe and Mink now is being led outside of the white circular room by the King Elvine himself. Outside the secret room was a library for the king filled with lots of books, from the history of the creation to novels of great people of the world including the Forza Kingdom. The trap door that leads to the library was shut loudly and they went outside. Outside the library was a great hallway, leading to the great throne of the High King. The hallway was slightly lighted by the weak Sunstar outside the kingdom. As Onyx looks outside, the attack of the ORNAKHS were ceased by the militia and the whole city lay quiet. Onyx wonders on his mother’s safety but he was sure that she was safe as long as the STAFF OF LUMINANCE stands on Sunbulah’s gate. As the Great golden door that separates the hallway from the throne, Onyx slightly noticed that Minks purple button on his chest and Phoebe’s necklace pendant slightly emits a glow. Onyx did not mind this for he thought that this was just a refection from the sunstar. They were now being led by two Militia while the king was ahead of them and took the high seat at the center of the Throne. Though he is now seated on the throne he looks tall and kingly. Onyx seems hesitant for he knew that there is something wrong…

“Leave us..” King elvine adrresed to the militia and the rest of the people who are inside the throne room. Still the king was staring at the Mikiro on Onyx’s shoulders. Though the people of the great throne notices it, a slight mumble of the crowd was heard pertaining to the mikiro inside the room. As the crowd left the door was shut and Onyx, Phoebe, Mink and the King was left inside the room…

“Who are you two children, and what did the great book told you, and how did you find the Mikiro, young Man?…” The king strongly questioned Onyx.

“your higness Im Onyx, Son of Thalia of Sunbulah Village. The Book told us of the way to find…” Onyx knew that speaking about the tale of the phoenix is prohibited.

“To find the Phoenix, That’s all foolishness, The phoenix killed lots of Forzanians and you dare to restore what I have rested in peace, and the Mikiro you have is just a foolish clown legend, he must be killed!” King Elvine now looks enraged.

“No, how could you say that, the phoenix did not killed, there is something that we missed to asked to the Book, if you permit us we can ask one more time to what really happned, but killing a young innocent creature is not a good idea.” Pheobe strongly utters these words while mink was really looking scared on what the king uttered.

“I knew all, I knew everything, and I know that you finding the phoenix will lead to another destruction for the kingdom and as a Stewardf of peace I will not permit that, Im really sorry but I have to do this, Cant you see children, horrors are strating to fill the land when this young creature Appeared. The mikiro must be killed for the kingdom. His blood will be a sacrifice for the LiGHT.” The king looks sorry.

The king stood up and draws a great sword from the back of the throne. He walks towards the three. Phoebe was really scared for the king was readying to attack the mikiro on Onyx shoulder. Onyx Took Mink and passed him to Phoebe.
“Phoebe hold Mink for a second Ok? Ill do anything to protect you and Mink…” onyx told phoebe.

“I don’t want to hurt you boy, surrender the Mikiro to me and you can go freely…”

“King Elvine please don’t do this he can help us bring back the light….” Onyx pleads to the king.

As the King was about to attack the you boy there was a great howl outside the thronewoom. There were shouts and screams outside. The Sunstar outside slowly faded its light. The three knew what is going to happen. The throne room suddenly opened and few Militia fell dead on the door. Five other militia were fighting a man hindering him to enter the Throne room. The king was shocked on what he saw. A man with a car on his face, skeletons as armors and holding a staff with a green orb on its tip was fighting his way towards them.

“cant you see little boy, great horrors are following you, The forza kingdom will again lay in ruins due to this mikiro…”King elvine was really shocked on what he saw.

As the last five militia dell down dead. The man slowly and eaily made his way inside the thorne room…

“Mukaalas… So you are the King of these dark times, unfortunately there will be no other way for you to restore the light, your kingdom will fall down like an a man falling down the cliff… but I will spare your life and the two children just hand over me, what I want…” The man in skeleton armors insisted to the king.

“I will give you all you want just please don’t kill me, the kingdom needs me.” king Elvine was afraid.

Onyx, Phoebe and Mink cant believe their eyes, for what they saw, they knew who he wants, he needs the mikiro…

“Who are you and what do you want..?” Phoebe asked the man with great might, she did not express her fear.

“I am Cadaver, The Chief Necromancer, Bringer of death to those who wants life…” a wicked smile was seen on his face. “ I need the creature in your hands young maiden, give him to me and you will be spared.”

“No, never… he is our only hope, and you cannot have him” Phoebe safely clutches mink on his arms as if protecting it.

“For the kingdom’s sake, give the creature to him…” King elvine

“If that’s the case, taste my wrath…”

“HELLS SCREAM…” Cadaver shouts and as he points his staff with green orb to Onyx and phoebe a green energy ball with a shape of a skull fastly approached them. In a split second they thought that the energy ball hit them but in their total shock king Elvine was laying on the ground, he attempted to save the children but in turn the energy hit him instead…

“King elvine, why did you did that… oh no…” Phoebe screams and fell towards the king. Onyx still stands in front and ready to protect from another blow.

“If the creature is really the key, protect it…” The king died due to the blast that he received.

“King elvinve.. no…” Phoebe started to cry, though he first know that he tried to kill them she still saw that the king cared for them and wished them luck on their quest…

“Oh how pity, the king is dead… hahahaha.” A wicked laugh was heard from cadaver. “So how can you fight me, youre just children….”

“Don’t ever be sure, you monster…” Onyx suddenly took hold of his Moonstone and raised it on his forehead with three stars and said:

“Knight of The MoonLight”. A great light was seen and Onyx armors were changed into white due to the light emitted on his forehead and the moonstone. A sword was seen on his right hand.

“So you are the little rascal that was filled with luck and defeated Pestilence. Im not like him boy, and expect in just a few minutes you lay dead on the floor.” Cadaver.

Phoebe was slightly shocked on what she saw, she was overwhelmed with onyx’s powers and started to stand up. Now onyx was gallant like a knight with aramors of white metal, holding a sword in his hands, he was now the Knight of the moonlight. “Onyx… be careful.”

“Dontg worry Phoebe, he has the power of the moonstone as long as he is here we will be safe,,” Mink utters comforting words to Pheobe…

“HELLS SCREAM…” another energy ball was blasted from the staff being held by cadaver.

“LIGHT SHIELD” Onyx chanted the words and out of the blue a blue glowing shield appeared with the symbol of the phoenix. The shield deflected the beam and it hits on the wall. The wall cracked.

Onyx left the shield in fr=ont of Phoebe and mink to protect them. Onyx stepped forward clutching the sword he is hiolding.
“You have no chance to defeat me little knight, my powers are greater than your moonstone…” Cadaver


Ornakhs were seen marching from behind towards the throne room, maybe ten or more but onyx started to be afraid, how can he battle a large number of Orfnakhs, he is alone.

“Now fight this young man, FIGHT THISSS. ORNAKHS Kill the boy and the Girl bring me the Mikiro.” Ornakhs obliged and started to walk towards Onyx. Onyx was ready to fight, as he looks back wards he, saw Phoebe and mink on his arms who were really afraid behind the blue shield he conjured.

Onyx closed his eyes as if finding enough courage from the total darkness. Then he saw a flicker of light from the darkness and a faint voice was heard…

“When there is total darkness, a flicker of light will appear… wave of light will be seen…”

“Wave?” Onyx opened his eyes and saw Ornakhs slowly emerging towards them. Cadaver was now behind the ornakhs still laughing wickedly… Onyx out of curiosity waved his sword and the light tha was emmited on it was emmting some kind of energy…. “wave of light will be seen…”

With full might he waved his sword towards ten of the Ornakhs…

“WAVE OF LIGHT!” A boomerang shaped light was emitted from the sword and hits the approaching Ornakhs. Cadaver saw this and he was a bit amazed on the powers that the boy was showcasing.. Five more shouts and five more waves of light was seen flying towards the ornakhs who were seen now as black dust on the floor. Phoebe and Mink was relieved to see what was happening.

“So you have few suprises… then how can you deal with these…” Another shout was heard and more ornakhs were seen marching towards them. Waves of light was again flying towards the ornakhs but because they were so many Onyx cannit handle them any longer… As he was handling the ornakhs, Cadaver found a way to hit Onyx…

“HELLS SCREAM…” A green energy ball hits Onyx and he was seen flying backwards towards phoebe and mink, the shield collapses and then it disappread.

“ONYX” phoebe and mink ran towards onyx who was now unconscious because of the blow, Onyx’s armor seems to have deflected most of the energy….

“Mink what we are going to do?..”

“Don’t worry, I will protect you.” Mink suddenly floated on air, and little wings started to sprout on his back… he raised his tail tipped star and started to chant….

“Light of the Mikiro…” a light was emitted but it was too weak it did not hurt Cadaver.
“Its no use…” Mink said…

“Give Up Young lady, give me the mikiro…” Pheobe stopped crying stood up and faced Cadaver…

“Never you monster…” Cadaver and mink was shocked on what they saw. Pheobes necklace was glowing and what seems to be wings of light were seen sprouting on her back…

“You are wearing one of the jewels, I did not noticed, but now im sure, that’s the HEAVENSTONE, Phoebe just chant…DIVINE SERAPHIM and youll know what ti do…”

“I will Mink…” Phoebe closed her blue eyes, opened it and chanted…

“DIVINE SERAPHIM” the light wings now was seen solid and a heavenly chorus was heard…

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Chapter 7 – The Clan of Darkness

A hooded figure sits on a high chair in the middle of a stone hall. As the two dark flame flickers on opposite sides of the high chair another tall dark figure appeared on the front of the hooded man…

“Im sorry master, I failed to deliver you the destined creature of the prophesy…”

“Mistakes especially failures are not acceptable Pestilence…” A bolt of black energy was formed from a black stone that is clutched on the right hand of the hooded man. The black energy hits Pestilence and he dropped on the floor limping.

“But master, a young boy with the powers of another stone, a pearly white one, hindered me from taking HIM…” Pestilence weakly explained to the hooded figure what happened at the dark Forest.

“I see, the forces of the light still managed to find someone who will oppose our objectives on eliminating totally the light of this world. I have come to know that the Magical jewels somehow survived the explosion of Light ten years ago. I know what to do… Pestilence it is now time to awaken your brothers and sisters. Go now and bring them to me…”

A black smoke appeared and Pestilence suddenly disappeared. The Black hooded man, known as MASTER suddenly raised his hands and out of the darkness a vision was formed, a black man holding some kind of crystal orb who spoke in a very ghoulish way, he was speaking of a prophesy…

“The Fallen Kingdom will once again regain the glory; I foresee that after a great Explosion of Light, darkness will take over. The clan of darkness will once again rule the Golden Age of Forza, But beware a mighty force will hinder you, a great light will shine through, a Knight with three stars will take hold one of the Stone and awaken a sleeping force that can destroy the darkness and bring back the light…” the vision suddenly faded away.

“So the prophesy was fulfilled and a man has taken hold of the jewel, I have to act immediately if not, all that I have sacrificed will be destroyed.” The master is talking to himself.


Pestilence was seen walking on a muddy place full of the blackness of the daylight. The creepy aurora slowly glows through mid-air. This was the Lagoon-lung the place of the great battle of their time. This was the place where the light conquered darkness, but is it so. Pestilence was quite sure, the master is hiding something from him. As he passed Lagoon-lung a great, dark castle was seen. The ruined castle was the stronghold of the almost wiped out clan of darkness which once ruled the Kingdom of Scheol. Pestilence entered the castle and went directly into the throne room. The torn black banners are seemingly swaying through the cold wind. Pestilence lifted his black sword as if he was about to attack something, then a voice so deep, it seems it came from beneath the ground, suddenly was heard…

“Mukalaaas, my brother…”

Pestilence was not surprised and he turned around and saw a bald person, with skeletons as armors. The face of the person with a deep voice has a deep cut on his left cheek, he was holding a staff with a green glowing orb on its tip.

“Brother, you have woken already. Its time to awaken the others.” Pestilence raised his sword and utter what seems to be a prayer. The man in skeleton armor watched with a wicked smile on his lips.

“by the power of the black flame, bring forth the clan of darkness to eradicate the imminent glow. Arise my brothers and sisters, let the darkness rule the Flickering light…” a strong dark flame was released on the tip of the sword of Pestilence and it hit directly the wall behind the throne. A strike of lightning eventually followed by a loud thunder was heard, while the black flame is still flaming the wall of the old palace. A slight earthquake shook the entirety of the place. The Knight of the Black flame fall to his knees, he was consumed because of the release of such energy from his sword…

“They have risen my brother, you have succeeded on the task that was given unto you, arise my brothers we now go to the master and eliminate the flickering light…” the bald man talking to the cracked wall that contained three sarcophagus, now entirely open.

A voice of a woman was heard… “my dear Pestilence and Cadaver, we are again united…”

A big muscled man picked up the limping pestilence and helped him to get up.

“Darkness will once again rule the kingdom of Forza…” The man in skeleton armor now known as Cadaver spoken in a very clear and loud manner as if shouting it loud… Dark birds were seen outside flying in fear away from the ruined castle.


A puff of black smoke was seen outside the city of Hyrule and a voice was heard…


Cadaver, The bald man in skeleton armor, raised his staff with a green orb on the top. The light of the weak sunstar faded…

“Ornakh, my shadow ghouls start the spread of fear…”

All of a sudden black ghoulish figures that smells like corpses appeared all over the city of Hyrule. Another puff of black smoke and Cadaver disappeared… Scream of the people was heard all over the city…


As the tall hooded figure sits on the high chair, five figures suddenly appeared in front of him. All bowed down in the presence of the man called MASTER.

“The clan of darkness is now complete, welcome my dear friends… Thank you Pestilence I see that you have succeed this time. Welcome VIRUS, JINX, CANNIBAL, PLAGUE and CADAVER… the time is almost ripe, we need to do our task quickly, I have found the Knight that possesses one of the stones, he was bound to protect The STAR.” The master paused for a while as if thinking deeply.

“Cadaver I have known that you have already started to spread fear to the city, the task of bringing HIM to me and the stone, I will give to you… Proceed to the high castle, you will find them there…”

“I will not fail master…” He raised his staff and the green orb emitted a light and Cadaver was gone…

“AS for you my dear friends, you wait for the right moment…”

A wicked smile was seen in the master’s lips through the reflection of the black stone that he was holding…

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Chapter 6 – ONE Star, SEVEN Jewels

Onyx, Phoebe and the little Mink was inside a circular white room with a bookstand and a large book in the center. On the air was the answer to Minks first Question to the Book of Srewsna. They were astonished on the reaction of the book to unexpected questions of Mink. After several seconds the letters zoomed back into the book and suddenly the book closed on its own. They came to their senses, relieved and decided on what to do next.

“So this is the book of Srewsna, something is telling me that this will be an interesting conversation with a friendly book…” Onyx told Phoebe and mink while still staring at the big book with so much scrambled letters.

“Phoebe you should ask the book, for you have enough knowledge on the phoenix than me and Mink.” Onyx requested for he knew that phoebe lived in a library that once housed informations on the phoenix and the legend. Now they will know the true Legend based on the Book of the kings and Wise men of Forza.

“Book of Srewsna Please tell us Where can we find the Phoenix?”

The Book suddenly opened and scrambled letters flew out in the air somehow spelling some sentences visible to all.

“The Answer lies on a STAR….” Was spelled on mid air. This does not make any sense. Phoebe, Onyx and mink were so much confused on the books answer.

“What star are you talking about?” Mink asked politely to the book.
The scrambled letters again shifted its position and another answer was formed.

“The Star that will show the way to the SEVEN keys.”
The lifted letters hovers on mid-air.

A follow up question was asked by Onyx. “Tell me book of Srewsna, what are the SEVEN keys you are talking about?”

“The seven are the seven pillars of the kingdom, a gift from the phoenix…” was again formed on the scrambles letters on Mid-air…

“I knew it, a star will show us the way to the Seven jewel Stones, which represents the seven fiery tails of the phoenix. Legends tells us that the phoenix when it first appeared gave the Forza Kingdom Seven jewels that brought upon a lasting hope and light to all of the kingdom. The seven jewel stones served also as protector of the Blood line who was tasked to protect the golden ashes of the phoenix.” Phoebe exclaimed on a happy tone to both Mink and Onyx.

“So you are telling me that A star will lead us to the SEVEN? After finding the Seven jewels we will only find the Phoenix?” Onyx asked Phoebe.

Even before Phoebe can answer the scrambled letters on the air sudden wizzed and rearranged itself to form another answer to the question.

“The star will lead you to Things you never knew existed during these dark times…”

Though the answer does not make any sense, Phoebe asked another question,

“Tell us Book of Srewsna, these seven, are these the Seven Jewels of the Kingdom…?”

“The seven are bound to protect a Bloodline, so powerful though, powers were diminished after a great Light…”

“So what really happened after the DEATH LIGHT EXPLOSION?”

“Terrible darkness started to overwhelm the kingdom, beware darkness arises on the west…”

“Who are we up against, we have encountered one of them on the forest?”Onyx asked out of curiousity.

“A powerful clan of darkness, a force that can only be stopped by the Phoenix thorugh the HELP of the seven jewels…”

Mink started to be confused on the books confusing answer…

“But How can we fight them, if you tell that the seven jewels can help us, can you tell us what are their powers?

“The moonlight gives POWERFUL and MIGHTY Light in total Darkness…”

“A Holy and Divine Power Gives the heart a leap of faith…”

“A Shining Hope will serve as the protector of all.”

“The Elements serves as a powerful tool to destroy the darkness…”

“A power will give life and bring back NATURE’s beauty…”

“A Secret Power will be reveled from within…”

“The darkness will serve as the Balance…”

“The star you are talking about, is this something to do with my three star birthmark?” Onyx asked the book.

“The stars in you proves that you are born for great things, but the Star you need is a MAP…”

“A MAP?...”


A large hoarse voice was heard and they eventually turned and saw standing behind them a man dressed in silky cloth, tan skinned, face somehow distorted, but still stands royally, alas it was the KING ELVINE….

While they were figuring out what to explain to the king why they are inside the magical room, they did not noticed all the letters went back inside the book and it closed quietly. The opened door where the king entered, leads to the great library…

“Step out of the magical room and go to the throne room, you have so much to explain, young children…”

The king at the back of his eyes saw the legendary mikiro and its STAR tipped tail while he was safely hiding from Onyx’s back. He knew already what this means…

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chapter 5 – The Book of Srewsna

As the great oak door of the Library opened, Onyx saw an elderly woman lying on the floor. The mikiro was still holding on his shoulders while Phoebe started to ran to the position of the woman. It was Phoebe’s grandma Erythrine, she was a loving, caring and understanding grandma to Phoebe. She has grown weak ever since the DEATH LIGHT EXPLOSION, for reasons unexplainable to even doctors, and wizards of the kingdom. Perhaps the darkness is affecting her body that makes her weaker as the day goes by. Onyx immediately closed the doors so that they could not be followed by the Ornakhs
“Oh grandma are you ok? Its phoebe talk to me…”
“Are you alright child, I heard a demonic chant, I thought you were in trouble so I got up in bed to check on you… thank HEAVENS youre safe..” grandma in a weak voice. Phoebe now almost in tears, she has been so much worried on her grandmas health conditions. She was her only family, and her grandma is the most precious person in her.
“Youre with Onyx…”
“Good morning Grandma Erythrine… Phoebe let us move grandma to her bedroom…”
As they move Grandma Erythrine on her bed located on the basement of the library, Onyx noticed the vast change on the great library. Majority of the bookshelves are empty, and a handful of books are retained only in one section of the library. The usual crowded place now is as silent as a cemetery. He knew the reason behind this; the king has decreed that informations pertaining to the phoenix should be destroyed, in honor of the death of the King Illidun, Prince Lithian and the Five. Forzanians never really understood why it was even forbidden to talk about the phoenix anymore; it’s as if the new king hated the phoenix for bringing again the darkness which the kingdom has fought for almost 7 Enix’es.
AS they lay the weak Erythrine on the bed, Onyx noticed the sadness on Minks Eyes, the same sadness that can be seen on Phoebe’s. It’s as if Mink knew the old woman already, or is it just the feeling of longing for Minks family? The same sadness that he feels for his father and grandpa…
“Onyx…” mink whisphered. “Remember the florolian flowers that you got from the dark forest… use them on Grandma, that will ease the weakness, and maybe bring back the healthy body she once have….”
“Oh is that a MIKIRO, is this for real, am I still awake…?” Grandma erthrine spoke weakly…”
“Yes grandma this is Mink, the legendary mikiro who awakens to bring us the light and the balance of good… through the Phoenix…” Onyx now started to tell the story of how he found Mink, the Moonstone, the Knight of the Black Flame, The ornakh…
“It means you are the destined one who will help mink find the phoenix? If that is true I’m also willing to help you…” Phoebe asked his grandmas approval…
While they are talking Mink is now magically spreading the sweet nectar of the Florolian flowers on Grandmas whole body, as he was doing these the violet dot on his chest started to glow and emit a wonderful aura… sprinkles of light started to fall from the Florolian flowers and thereby absorbed by grandmas body…
“Onyx, Mink how much can I thank you, you saved my Grandma…” Phoebe started to hug Onyx and kissed him on the forehead… Onyx started to blush, Phoebe kissed also Mink AND he also blushed….”
“That feels so good; my body is now starting to have some strength… Florolian flowers were brought by the phoenix from the Twin luna as gift to the Forzanians. That’s the reason when you found the Moonstone, Florolian flowers grew there… You have found the first of the jewels which means the Seven survived the explosion, you only need to search for them..” Grandma Erythrine...
“Now if you don’t mind grandma we badly need you’re help, because our dear friend lost his memory, of all things, we need information about the phoenix and how we can find the golden ashes…. Through this we can defeat the darkness..” Onyx
“All I know is that you need the seven jewels, before you can get the ashes. I don’t know the reasons but the legend says so that the seven jewels are symbolism of the seven magical tails of the phoenix… the moonstone you are holding have the power of the Twin Luna and the stars, though I have little information about the other jewels I only knew small bit about the moonstone and the heavenstone
“The Heavenstone?” Howd you know that, I can’t remember a heavenstone, or is it gravelstone, or sandstone?” Mink was now confused, because his memory was lost he cant remember anything at all.
“While the Moonstone is the symbol of powerful light in total darkness, The heavenstone is a Holy jewel that descended from the heavens, that Symbolizes pureness of heart, love and Life… That’s all I know my dear children… the location as we all know, can be found only through the Mikiro, in our case Mink…”
“Mink has lost his memories; we need some other sources, maybe a book…”
“Onyx, the king has destroyed all informations about the phoenix, you cant find no record here in the library…” Phoebe answered.
“Phoebe, legends can be recorded in the book and eventually it will be lost, but legends that is stored in the mind of people who cared for the kingdom will never be lost, for the mind is a magnificent library, we only need the correct Question…” Grandma Erythrine focused his spectacles to Onyx as if waiting for the questions… Grandma continued her story… “There is a book that can answer all the questions, but beware, true informations will only be revealed to people with pure and kind heart...”

Onyx, Phoebe and now the sleepy Mink, listened intently to the now sitting grandma on her accounts of the book that can answer all questions…”

“The Book is called Books of Srewsna. The book is located in the secret room inside the castle. This is where the king can only access. All the information of the entirety of the kingdom is stored on this book including the identity of the FIVE, the history of Forza, and The magical attributes of the jewels and even the Location of the Phoenix ashes. All the Wisdom of the past kings and wise men of Forza is stored in only one book, that’s why it was separated in one of the magical rooms of the Palace…” as ive said only the TRUE king can access the book. Through this the wisdom on the book gives the guide to the new king… “

“Grandma so it is not possible for us to go to that library and locate the book, as you have told only the king can access the secret room.” Phoebe asked.

“Yes that is true but there are always exceptions to all rules, in this case. A librarian can access a library… yes a librarian…”
“A Librarian, you’re a librarian, what are you saying grandma…?” Phoebe was intrigued.
“Child the late king Illidun has trusted me with the secret of the Book of Srewsna, he has given me a magical key, that can open a secret door that only I knew.” Grandma looked a little sad after uttering the sentence..
“Are you ok grandma, you looked sad” Onyx asked
“No I just remembered how kind and pure hearted the king was, anyhow, the key is in the possession of a lovely lady with green eyes, blond hair and an angelic face with slight freckles on her face…” grandama

“Are you serious grandma? No its not possible…”
“Trust me child the key is with you.”
Then Phoebe remembered that during his childhood years her grandma gave her one pretty necklace with an angelic pendant, she knew this what she is talking about…
“You mean this pendant grandma,?”
“Yes my dear…”
Oh grandma im so much humbled, it is so much precious but still you have entrusted it to me… I love you grandma…”
“I have trusted you ever since, you indeed took great care of it… now I will give you my blessings to help mink and onyx to recover the phoenix and bring that light…. I knew the time you were born and the eventual death of you’re parents that you are destined for this… ill pray for your success….
Now grandma weakly stood up and opened a dark trapdoor that seems to be a tunnel…

This will lead you to the secret room, I do hope you will acquire whatever wisdom you need in the difficult journey you will face…

He then hugged tightly phoebe and whispered, take care of yourself and wherever my life will lead me I will always pray for you… I love you…” then she approached Onyx and mink she stared intently on the two, “I know for a fact that you value my grand daughter so much, please protect her and care for her, she’s VERY precious… my sense is telling me that my journey in this life has come to its denouement, I have finally witnessed the beginning of the emergence of the light and I know you will succeed in the difficult tasked ahead of you…”

“Grandma don’t say that, youll be alights…” phoebe
“oh child im old and I think its time for me to take my rest, we will see each other again, trust me…”

Somehow phoebe is feeling something that she can’t explain what… all she knew that she will protect and fight for her grandma. She can give her life in exchange for all the years she cared for her….

“Now go… the Books of Srewsna awaits you….”

Phoebe hugged and kissed her grandma for the last time and they entered the dark tunnel.
The Darkness was immense. Mink raised his tail and a flicker of light appeared on the star tipped tail… the long walk on the tunnel was a bit long it took them almost half an hour, the stone walls was cold. As they were coming close the necklace on Phoebe’s neck was stating to emit a white glow…. Then they came to a stop and a hard stone wall is blocking their way… it seems that it was a dead end but then phoebe raised her necklace and an image of an angel carved on the stone wall appeared. A door opened and they entered inside a bright white circular room. in the center of the room was a bookstand with an old rugged and dirty big book on the center, they approached the book and opened it, scrambled letters were on each pages of the book, from beginning up to the last pages of the book…

“What kind of book is this? This will not help us?.” Mink was disappointed.

Then all of a sudden the book started to flip its pages on its own, letters started to move and they were shocked when the letters flew up in the air that then formed what seems to be an answer to Minks Question…

“I am the Book of Srewsna, I will be a help trust me,
little Mikiro…”

The three was agape; all of their mouths were opened in total shock!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Chapter 4 – The City of Hyrule

Onyx’s mind was full of questions. Here on his shoulder was Mink, a mikiro that has foretold that he was the one who was destined to fight the darkness that is covering the land. Slowly he touches the Moonstone pendant now he’s wearing as a necklace around his neck. The stars on his forehead are now more prominent and can be seen even in daylight. The three stars usually appear only in the blackness of the night. The outline of the stars can now be seen not as a speck but as a natural sign that he was indeed destined for great things.

“Hey tell me Mink, do you know what the meaning of the stars on my forehead is?” Onyx asked.
“The stars have always been the source of hope for the kingdom. We are on the 7th ENIX… for every start of the ENIX, only one person will possess the THREE STARS. It has always been a mystery why the stars only appears when there is darkness, but it is certain that the person who possesses the stars will have great things ahead of him.”
“But how can we defeat the darkness and bring back the light? The Black Knight we fought was incredibly stronger than the two of us, we have no chance, we just got lucky he misfired…” Onyx answered.
“Trust mah friend, the answer lies ahead of us…”

Not so far away, a large city can be seen with a castle covered with mist. The large Gate archway of the city was guarded by sturdy MILITIA, the Kings loyal elite force of Soldiers bound to protect the High city at all cost. Before they can be seen by the people of Hyrule…

“Ei Onyx, kindly press my violet button on my chest, and ill turn into a MIKIRO doll, in that way we can avoid attention…”
“Oh ok!” Onyx gently pressed a violet button on Minks chest, and all of a sudden the Mikiro turns into a doll…
“Cool! Just a little bit uglier than the original dolls…!”
“Oi I heard that…!” Mink silently whisphered…
“Just kidding…”

As the Two passed the archway stone, Onyx cant help but feel the sad atmosphere of the City of Hyrule. The city was once a great place, full of happiness, joy and laughter. The big city that boasts of happy FORZANIANS now was a city of sadness. It was all because of the tragic LIGHT EXPLOSION which killed not only hundreds of FORZANIANS but also the king of the Golden Age of Forza. After that sickness, loneliness and discord filled the air. Still hope is once in a while rekindled, even if the Aura of the place becomes gloomy each and everyday, because of the visions of falling stars which symbolizes a coming light bearer. The New king doesn’t have any idea of the people’s suffering though many regard King ELVINE as the most qualified person, for he was trusted fully by the late King Illidun, for he also fights for the balance of light… He decreed that the phoenix has done a terrible mistake on killing hundreds of people. Many do not understand why.
The two are now heading for Phoebe’s Library. AS the weak Sunstar slowly rises, little by little the mist that covers the large stone castle is disappearing…. Onyx saw the once magnifiscent castle… on its center top is the fire chamber…. The palace is supported by SEVEN pillars of stone in a Corinthian design. It is visible that the seven pillars have large holes on its center. Onyx wonders why… The red brick stone that leads them to the library leads also to Onyx’s Little shop of Dreams. It was his Grandpa’s store where you can buy different items, especially toys for little children. The Dream Shop, it was called. It was his grandfathers vision to have children with happy thoughts and visions that will make the new Forza generation filled with aspirations and dreams. But sales have dropped dramatically after his grandpa’s death. No children wants toys anymore, the Dream shop have few customers eversince… But still dreams cannot be stopped so, Onyx continued on his best efforts to bring happiness to the Hyrule City.

The Library was situated at the center of the City, it was near the plaza of broken sword. The Plaza is the sacred place where the Mystical FIVE left a broken sword, which symbolizes the battle of the LAGOON-Lung. As Onyx and Mink stares on the Broken sword a girls voice was heard…

“Hey ONYX, good Morning, How are YOU?” A young teenaged girl was seen slowly descending Onyx’s place. The girl has Green eyes, Blond hair, prominent cheeks, a slender body and slight freckles on her face. A slight twinkle of light was seen on the necklace she is wearing…
“PHOEBE, its nice to see you again, I feel GREAT whenever I see you…” Onyx said this with sweet voice. Phoebe has been a childhood sweetheart. They used to play when they were kids inside their library and, oftentimes grandpa Onimus teaches them the way of the good and stories about the Phenix… Pheobe is the most beautiful girl in the hyrule city. Her grandma is overprotective of her, but Phoebe understands. The impending darkness is somewhat she wants to eradicate so fear and oppression will lessen.
“Oh a mikiro doll, HE IS beautiful…”.
“yeah I got this from…. I mean its from the store, im planning it to give to someone special…?” Onyx blushes.
“Oh That is so sweet of you”….

All of a sudden, a cold wind blew… and a dreadful shout was heard…


There was a panic, as the weak sunstar faded its light., Ghostly Shadows appeared from all places, attacking FORZANIANS. Luckily the MILITIA was alerted immediately and started to fight back…

“Onyx, come we should hide, or else we will be stricken by a severe sickness that the shadows brought. Phoebe clutches Minks arms and headed straight to the LIBRARY… When suddenly an ORNAKH appeared in front of them. The Ornakh is a shadow ghoul, smells terribly like a decomposing corpse, and the black aura it brings makes nearby person weak and dizzy. The ghoul was taller than them. As the ghoul is about to administer the sickness to Phoebe, Mink returned to life and using his pointed star tipped tail he chanted…

“Light of the MIKIRO!”
A blast of an energy beam was emitted on the seven pointed star on Minks tail, the ghoul was vanquished…

“Oh youre doll is Alive…. And it saved me…thank you!”
“youre welcome lovely Lady!” Mink on a flirty tone
“And it talks also… Youre a real MIKIRO? Heavens STARS, I knew you were true, I knew it…!
“This is no time for chatting we have to go…!” Now Onyx leads the way to the library…
Though still shocked on what she saw. Phoebe stares as the MIKIRO holds on Onyx’s shoulder, thinking of what mysteries the mikiro brings, for she knows also of the forgotten tales of the Mikiro as the Map of the Phoenix…

The Library door opened and a sickly old woman was seen lying on the floor…

Next chapter: The Book of Srewsna

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Chapter 3 – The Power of the Moonstone

The young Onyx was surrounded with a bright light that comes from the three stars on his forehead and the moonstone. He was a bit shocked but was still overwhelmed by the sudden surge of power. He noticed a bright sword he’s holding on his left arm and the Moonstone on his right. The moonstone was transformed into an eight pointed moonstone pendant with a large one in the center. He placed the moonstone on the center of his breastplate near the heart and held the Sword in two arms, ready to attack the Knight of the Black flame.

The black Knight was a bit surprised on what he saw. But he knew very well that his opponent is still a child and defeating him will not be difficult. He raised his sword and made a slashing wave…

“Black Flame….” The Black knight shouted in rage…
“Knight of the Moonlight Watch out…” The Mikiro.
“Ahgggg…” Onyx luckily dodged the flame that hit the surrounding trees on his back….
“Black Flame….” Another attack now more powerful, came from the black knight.
“Hey Mikiro, what will I do, Tell me or we’ll both die…” Onyx shouted to the Mikiro, still the light surrounding his body…
“Ahhhhh, wait, wait, watch out!!!”
This time Onyx was slightly hit by the flame, he was trown backwards…
“I knew it, youre no match with my powers…. And now ill finish you….”
“Dark Flame …” The Black knight waved his Sword in a circular motion and a skull flame formed… “…of DEATH” He pushed the skull flame with total force towards Onyx…
“I Know what to do, create a moon Shield, now!!! just Chant… Moonstone Shield…” the mikiro shouted.
“OK, Moonstone SHIELD” Onyx raised his sword, and from the heavens, the TWIN LUNA Appeared and what seems a falling star was seen rapidly descending towards Onyx. A Bluish white large Shield with the image of the phoenix was formed on the right hand of the Knight of the Moonlight, just in time to hinder the powerful death blast of the black Knight. The blast was so powerful it dodged back towards the black knight and hit him on the chest. He stood up limping from his own blast…

“Youre a smart little rascal, ill get back to you and get the Mikiro, mark my word… ill kill you the next time we meet…”

A black smoke appeared and the Knight of the Black flame was gone… The Twin Luna on the Sky disappeared as well as the Blue shield…

“That was a little bit close, thanks to my help youre alive” the mikiro jumps for joy..”
“Oh really, as if you did something, But hey thanks for the shield.”
‘Actually, its not mine, its yours…, now, now…” the mikiro stares on the Moonstone on Onyx’s breast plate… “That is definitely the moonstone, one of the powerful stones that used to protect the Royal bloodline…”

“a Moonstone, tell me, what so special with this moonstone?

“let me see, All I know is that the moonstone is one of the most powerful object of the kingdom, that’s all. As far as my memory is concerned, there are seven of them, the other stones I am not particular about, but in time, ill remember… luckily we have the first stone, and it gave birth to a KNIGHT OF THE MOONLIGHT, in your being…”

“Knight of the Moonlight?” Onyx touched the moonstone on his breast plate and the light that covers him suddenly fade away…he looks worried

“Don’t, worry, when you need the power of the moonstone just do the chant again and the power will come back… now we need to do some researches, we need to do our homework… For the darkness knows about us already, we should act fast… we need to go to a library…”

“what for, you should know all the things involved with the mysteries of the gemstones, the location of the phoenix…” Onyx replied

“How many times do I have to tell you, little boy that my memory was lost because of the darkness…” we need someone who knows all of these, perhaps a library… so that we will have wisdom of the power of your moonstone, the location of the other stones, the location of Prince Lithian and the hidden place of the Phoenix’s golden ashes….”

“I thought Lithian is dead already…. If that’s the case this is one heck of an adventure eh!”
“Trust me we will succeed, with your power and my wisdom, we can defeat the darkness of the kingdom and bring forth the light and the balance…”
“So what will I call you wise mikiro?” Onyx on his funny tone.
“Ahmmmm, just call me Mink, the wise”
“Ok Mink, the Wise, lets go to Phoebe’s Library, she knows a lot, maybe her grandma can help us also.”

“Lets GO!!!!”

Onyx has found a new friend, Mink the Mikiro. The two headed outside the dark woods, to the city of Hyrule where Onyx’s friend Phoebe lives.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Chapter 2: Mikiro's Tale

A tall hooded black figure sits on a high chair clutching a black stone. The only source of light inside the cold stone hall was two black fires lifted on a torch. All of a sudden another hooded figure appeared. The outline of the new comer can be seen as a muscular man with a visible sword safely clutched on his sides.
“My Lord, is it time…?”
“The Prophesy never fails, Pestilence… Go search for the light, Bring him to me…”
“As you wish my Lord…”

The warmth of the light that the Mikiro emits gives a warm feeling to the not so far away Onyx. Onyx was still stunned on what he saw. The tiny little Mikiro, lay on a bright stream of light. The Light is coming from a peculiar stone near the Flolorian Flowers. As the little creature peacefully sleeps, Onyx silently stares on the lovely fellow. According to his grandpa, a Mikiro is an ancient magical creature. It is a playful and funny little fellow, with white fur, a long tail with a star on its tip, his head resembles that of a teddy bear. A small violet dot is prominently seen on the chest of the Mikiro. The magical fellow is the last sign of hope for the kingdom drenched in darkness. The Mikiro is the map to the location of the golden ashes of the Phoenix. Onyx found the opportunity to help the dying kingdom, at last one shining hope for the kingdom of FORZA.

As Onyx was about to touch the little Mikiro, the fellow suddenly floated on thin air, still surrounded by bright light, approaching the young Onyx. The Mikiro suddenly opened its blue eyes… and started to speak in a sweet tiny voice, and seems in a mystical TRANCE…

“You came, the prophesy was fulfilled… A young Knight will awaken and take possession of one of the JEWELS…”
“What are you talking about, im no knight, im just ordinary” Onyx replied.
“A Knight with stars on his forehead will take His sword and defend the land against the Darkness…”
“Wait, I cant understand what youre telling, im just a kid… im ordinary”
“My memories of the past seem too dark. The dark cloud of the sky hinders my mind to recall the past, because of the spread of discord, my memories were lost. But there were visions. The fire chamber was filled with powerful blasts, there was a physical argument inside, the king was stabbed on the chest, then an explosion of light… Yes, yes, yes, an explosion… Now, now… the magical jewels, seven of them were scattered throughout the land…. After, after, prince Lithian came outside to archway of light, carrying what seem to be golden ashes and threw it into the air, an eagle like image formed and a sudden wind blew the ashes in different directions…. The phoenix is gone… After that Little Prince Lithian was nowhere to be found, The Magical jewels were gone to oblivion and then darkness started to take over…. I am the remaining map to the location of the phoenix…” the Mikiro ended his account
“So where is the Phoenix….?”
Suddenly the mystical trance voice changed. A funny playful mikiro emerges…
“Actually I don’t know also.” Mikiro on his funny little tone..
“what do you mean you don’t know? Youre the map, the custodian, our only hope. You said im the Knight youre looking for”
“Did I said that?, youre really funny. Oh well. All people exaggerated my duty… I am totally clueless like you also on the location of the Phoenix…” The Mikiro laughed.
“I thought that you will be a help, but youre somewhat….”

Onyx didn’t finished his sentence, all of a sudden a tall dark man appeared meters away from them, carrying a bronze sword, his face so rugged, his eyes full of grief and his body covered in hard metal armor…

“So the little dimwit is already awake… Give the weakling to me little boy.”
“Who in the name of Illidun are You?” Onyx was filled with fear…
“ I am the Knight of the Black Flame, and im here to take the Mikiro…”
‘Don’t let him take me, please help me…” The little one shook in fear…
“OK just stay beside me…”

Onyx knew that he was no match with the big knight, though he is scared, he is determined to fight for the magical creature…. Onyx was a neophyte in swordhandling. He knew little knowledge on wielding the sword…. All of a sudden the Knight of the Black flame waved his sword and a flame, a black one, streamed towards Onyx. Onyx was hit by the flame and fell back wards. His sword flown away from his hands… He was ready to give up when he noticed a glowing stone of light near the place where the Mikiro was previously laid.

“Pick the stone, and touch the stars…” a voice in his head was heard…
Onyx without second thought picked the stone, but he cant understand why, “what stars?” he thought. He glanced back and saw the Mikiro motionless, it was hit also by the black flame… Then it dawned to him, he has a three star birthmark on his forehead…

“The stars…” he stood up, with the bright ivory colored stone on his right hand.
He raised the stone above his forehead near the three star birthmark… then another voice whisphered…. “just chant youre name, and youll kow what to do….”

“my Name?... “

The knight of the Black flame was again ready to make another blow….

Onyx closed his eyes. The stone still raised near his forehead, above the three stars… out of the Blue he whispered….
“Onyx, the Knight of the Moonlight….”in soft magical voice….
There was a sudden burst of light from Onyx’s three star birthmark and started to overwhelmed his body.. Onyx’s armor was also overwhelmed with the light it seems so bright, it almost turned white. A magical sword appeared on his hands… Because of the outburst of light the Mikiro, suddenly awakens from the blast and muttered….
“Oh in phoenix’s name, is that the Moonstone youre holding… oh its not possible, no it is…”

“A moonstone…?” The Knight of the Moonlight replied.

Chapter 1: The Knight Awakens

“That dream again…”
Onyx awakens from a terrible nightmare, panting and gasping for breath. The weak Sunstar was just about to emit its pale light, the symbol that a new gloomy day for the kingdom of FORZA has started. Onyx is a young man who lives in an isolated area, the village of Sunbulah, together with her mother. With black silky hair, eyes of hazel, a prominent cheekbone and a speck of tiny stars on his forehead, his angelic face always shows calmness even in his deepest slumbers. His built according to his mother was inherited from his father who passed away when he was still a child. According to his mom, his father died in the last battle of the kingdom when he was still a baby.
Since he was a child, her mother was alone to nurture and give him all he wanted. He loved her mother more than anything else.

“Onyx, common down, breakfast is ready”. His mother called, who was indeed a beautiful maiden, blond hair, hazel eyes and with a body that gracefully moves in all manners of movement.

“Good morning mom, I had the dream again… It’s the same old dream, just don’t know if its true or not.”

“Its just a dream son, don’t think any foolish thing, its not true…”

“I just can’t help but think, what do I have to do with the king and some man named Lithian, the five and the phoenix. Is the phoenix true all I thought, it was just a legend.”

“For God’s sake Onyx, stop talking about the legend, all of us know its forbidden to talk about it…”

“But Mom, Grandpa always said that…”

“Onyx its not true, and its just legend, Your grandpa is wrong, its just a story…”

“I just cant believe that the Phoenix tried to kill the Bloodline that tried to protect it from the enemies that sought after it. Its just don’t make any sense.”

“All I know is that we have to move forward, we have a new King, though he is not as good as the previous one, but at least there is someone out there, trying to win the hearts of every FORZAnian…”

“OK, oh im late already, oh mom , I love you and see you…”

“take care of yourself son, may the light shine upon you… youre very precious…

“If he only knew….” her mother seems worried

As Onyx runs through the thick forest to his Grandpas workshop situated in the capital city of Forza, Hyrule, he cant help but notice the drastic changes of the kingdom. It was the year 3510, 7th Enix, 10 years after the explosion of the bright light from the Fire chamber. He can barely remember the dreaded day, now known as the Death Light Explosion. He was just seven years old when he and his granpa, ONIMUS, went to the ENIX celebration to witness the birth of the CHOSEN ONE, the Phoenix, who as per his grandpa’s tales, will bring again the balance, the light and peace. The phoenix will once again eradicate the surrounding darkness of Forza and renew the dying light of the world. All he could remember was the great blinding light that seems to be an explosion that came from the Fire Chamber. Lots of people died during the said explosion, including his Grandfather. He was one of the few who survived the explosion in the gathered crowd. No one can answer why the birth of the phoenix brought death instead of life. After the great light, tremendous horrors filled the land. It was announced that the royal blood line has ended; the great King Illidun was dead. The kings ONLY relative, his grandson, Prince Lithian, abandoned the throne and was declared dead after several weeks of missing in action. The Chief Magistrate, High ELVINE who was the kings most trusted ally, took over the throne and started vast changes on the kingdom. All information about the phoenix was burned and after sometime even talking about the legend was prohibited in public places.

All magical things that once protected FORZA Cease to exist. The twin Luna whose lights were the protector of the darkness of the night, suddenly disappeared, The magical jewels that protects the royal bloodline was destroyed during the explosion. The bright Sunstar which brought the golden light to the kingdom started to fade its glory light that made the day, gloomy that started to spread, sickness, discord, emptiness and uneasiness to the FORZAnians… And most importantly he lost his Grandpa who used to teach hin the ways of the good, the legend of the Phoenix and the way to wield the his father’s mighty sword.

“What the…?”

Onyx was on his way to his late Grandpa’s workshop when he noticed a bright stream of light from the dark forest, before the BLUE RIVER. He was a bit curious, for magical lights were diminished by the darkness after the Great Explosion. Onyx turned around and entered the thick woods of the dark forest to where the light is coming from. The more he gets close the more he gets nervous. The dying dark forest is really scary, as he advances he noticed that some flowers started to grow and the surrounding darkness started to have life. Then he saw a bright little sleeping fellow, surrounded with magical FLOROLIAN flowers, a very rare magical plant that can heal any sickness…

“this cant be true, it’s a MIKIRO”, Onyx cant believe his eyes…

Prologue: The Birth of the Phoenix

(my first eva try to do some fiction, please bear with my grammar)

The King of Forza, High Illendor, is a man of great power who has commanded the mythical FIVE Soldiers of the light to diminish the rising power of the throne of Scheol, the land of the fallen. King Illendor was wise and possesses great sense of responsibility towards his whole kingdom. During his reign the land was rich with food and all people lived in harmony and peace. The legendary golden age of Forza happened during the rise of Illendor to his throne. The castle and its stronghold was built with fine magical jewels to protect the royal blood line. Forza was a numinous place where people lived in peace. The bright giant sunstar gave light throughout the land while the twin Luna and the starlights of night brings harmonious nightlight. Legend tells us nothing about the identity of the FIVE, for they were only known by the High king. The only record of their deeds was found on the sacred Library of the Palace where only the high king can access.

Scheol was the Land of the fallen, brutal and eerie creatures served as its occupants. The barren wastelands and the cold mystical aurora makes the sky look grim. The rise of the darkness of SCHEOL, was a big surprise to the king for he did not know that there was a creature more willing to be the Leader of such land. The First strike of Scheol consumed and killed almost half the kingdom. It was not known what creatures attacked the kingdom, but as the darkness ensues and surrounded everything, the FORZA kingdom started to fall apart. During these desperate times, the King Illendor ordered the FIVE to bring the light and destroy the upsurge which was SCHEOL.

The legendary battle was held on the swamps of Lagoon-lung, where the FIVE, through their will and powers combined, eradicates the fallen kingdom. The victory of the battle culminates the birth of the new ENIX Age.

The High king of Forza, High Illendor, is the greatest king of the 500 years gap of the ENIX time. In his reign the change of the Enix took place where the birth of the Phoenix, a legendary power possessed by a Chosen One, who will bring the renewed light for the kingdom will take place. Based on legends the sacred ashes of the original phoenix will turn into gold and will bring forth a new phoenix, a very powerful entity that can surpass all known power in all of SCHEOL and FORZA. The Phoenix has been a sacred power behind the rise of the kingdom. The royal Blood line was tasked to protect the sacred ashes of the phoenix until the time the new bearer re-emerges…

Until the glorious day, it was the new ENIX age. Inside the Fire chamber where, the sacred ashes lay, King Illendor, little Prince Lithian, and the FIVE awaits for the resurrection of the POWER of the phoenix. The gray ashes lay on the sacred vessels slowly turns into golden dust and slowly rising into the air. It turns out that the new body of the Phoenix will be chosen between the FIVE. But there was a sudden halt, one of the five grabbed the vessel and eventually wants the phoenix on his own. There was a sudden fight between the four and the one. The overwhelming powers filled the chamber and in the turn out of the events a sword suddenly plunges on the chest of King Illendor. Prince Lithian came to his aid while the four tried to suppress the one. The sacred golden phoenix dust escaped the vessel and then there was a sudden explosion of light…

The Knight of The Moonlight


Fear not the coming darkness
Leave your worries behind
My light is here to guide you
My music will protect you

Accept my warmest kisses
Embrace me and be strong
My heart, Ill offer for you
My love is always with you

*Just say that you need me
And the darkness is over
Let the moonlight
Make your dreams come true
**Just say that you want me
And ill shield you from danger
Just close your eyes,
See the brightest light
…love me, everything’s gonna be alright

I will be your safeguard
From Impurities of life
Just hold me, ill defend you
From those who wish to harm you

Feel my heart, stop crying
Ill lift the burdens away,
From you, I’ll always be here
My light’ll erase all your fears

*Just say that you need me
And the darkness is over
Let the moonlight
Make your dreams come true
**Just say that you want me
And ill shield you from danger
You alone can make
My light shine bright
…love me, that’s all I want from you

You alone can make
My light shine bright
…love me, that’s all I need from you.