Monday, July 2, 2007

Chapter 10 – The Road to Sunbulah

A man in skeleton armor holding a staff with green orb on its tip was seen approaching a high chair inside the hall lighted only with black flame. Sitted on the high chair was a hooded man only called as MASTER. The master was talking three other. One known as the Pestilence, Knight of the black flame, the two others were called Cannibal and Virus. Cadaver now slowly approaches the group.

“I am very disappointed Cadaver, you are the most skillfull of all your siblings, but still you have failed.” The master was a bit angry with Cadaver.

“ I underestimated them, they now possess two of the jewels, powerful that even can match your powers master.” Cadaver answered.

“DON’T UNDERESTIMATE Him, cadaver. Master has the most powerful…” the man called Cannibal was stopped by the master from continuing his words.

“That’s enough Cannibal, what important now is to get the jewels and the map.” The master raised his clutched hands with a blackstone on it and on thin air a black hooded figure sitted with a crystal ball appeared.

“The five will appear once again and will be a threat to the dark sides rising power. Only by destroying them can the darkness continue its course in engulfing the entire world…”

“Thank you Plauge, The oracle of death has spoken we need to act fastly…”

“Master, JINX is on HER way to retrieve what we need.” Pestilence answered the master.

“Jinx is one of the best witches of the clan she knows what to do.” The man called virus ended the conversation.


Onyx, Phoebe and Mink went out of the city of HYRULE now drenched in fear. Almost all people left the city after the attack of the ORNAKHS, few bodies were seen lying on the ground while other MILITIA were starting to build up to retain the people composure. They went outside the city without any attention at all. Phoebe was still very sad on what happened to her grandma. Mink and Onyx were very supportive of her and tried to make her laugh by making funny faces, but Phoebe was still sad.

“Phoebe, God of the light has reasons why these are happening, we are destined for this and we should do our best to attain what we should attain for the justice of your grandma.” Onyx told phoebe in the most emotional manner.

“Now about the map, what is it that the book said about the map?” Mink asked Phoebe as he was clinging on Onyx’s back.
“the map on the stars or something like that…”

There was a silence then phoebe saw mink tail which was actually a star tipped one.

“Onyx the MIKIRO is the way to the phoenix right?” Phoebe asked

“yeah youre right, but unfortunately this MIKIRO is useless, and actually an ugly doll also” Mink so=unded a little funny.

“Haha” Phoebe slightly laughed…

“see you smile now…”Onyx was happy

“Hey its not funny, not funny at all” Mink was a little annoyed.

“So the star where we can find the map, can it be the star tipped tail of this MIKIRO?” Pheobe asked.

“Yes, its possible, but the question is, how?” Phoebe and Onyx moved their head on minks tail.

They stopped on a big stone and sat on it they tried ti pinch the tail, press the tail and shake it but there was nothing happening there was no map… when they seem hopeless…

“hey you two try to combine youre jewels on my tail, maybe it will work” mink suggested

Phoebe and Onyx drawn their jewels , The moonstone glowed a bit as well as the heavenstone when postioned near the star tipped tail. They were a bit shocked when they eventually placed the jewels on both sides of the tail a hologram was emitted and what seems to be a map was seen out of it. They first saw what seems to be two bright glowing dots on the place where Onyx discovered Mink in the middle of the dark forest. Then the there was a dot of light appeared on the LIBRARY of Phoebe, then slowly by slowly a dot appeared on the twon of Sunbulah the hometown of Onyx. The next Dot of light appeared on Mount HISTUNA and then another on BLUE RIVER’S end. All of a sudden they were interrupted by a shout. A young boy suddenly appeared and without any warning the boy which seems to be dressed like a militia attacked them. Onyx and Phoebe was thrown backwards and the boy snatched Mink. Phoebe and Onyx stood up and followed the boy, they ran as fast as they can.

“KNIGHT OF THE MOONLIGHT” Onys transformed and once again was filled and dressed in white light armor.

“DIVINE SERAPHIM” Phoebe was transfprmed and wings of light appeared on her back while her body was covered on what seems to be white metal armor.
The seraphim used her wings to gain advantage o fthe boy when suddenly a blow of wind hit her with intense power that made her fall to the ground.

“phoebe, are you alright, what happened?” Onyx stopped and attended Phoebe.

“Theres someone else here, shes strong, I can sense her dark powers.

All of a sudden a woman with black short eerie dress was seen with the boy and the unconscious mink. Mink was put to sleep by the boy who was found out was possessed by the woman…

“hello young children, Oh you wanna play, im very soory your toy is woth me, hahaha…”the woman told them with a little playful voice.

“who are you, what do you want from us.” Onyx replied the woman

“Im a friend, don’t be angry with me. I am JINX, the best witch of the dark clan, im the witch of misfortune, the darkness of the future lies on both oof you and im sorry to tell this but I think you need to give up your jewels to me or else I will kill this little fellow, hihihi.” Jink answered sarcastically.

Phoebe stood up still wings on her back while Onyx took hold of his light sword.

“Ready to fight eh! Young boy take hold of this fellow while I handle this two.” Jinx handed over Mink to the young boy who was still speechless with a blank face still under Jinx dark powers.

Jinx suddenly made a hand movement, and suddenly a whip filled with thorns appeared on her hands.

“WHIP OF DEATH” she made a whipping action and the whip suddenly elongated and hit both the Knight and SERAPHIM.

“See its useless to fight, you have no match with the dark Clan, youll die now so better give…WHIP OF DEATH” another blow was made but this time the knight and the seraphim was ready. The Seraphim flew while Onyx.:

“SHIELD OF LIGHT” a bright shiled appeared and hindred the whip on hitting Onyx.
“SILENT PRAYER” a colorful aura appeared around the seraphim

“So my brothers were correct you have few weakling abilities, but can you match mine?

“BLACK AURORA” the eerie aurora that was only seen on the land of SCHEOL was seen on the sky of FORZA. The aurora suddenly disappeared and once again appeared around JINX. The power was so immense that even the action of the aurora made the shiled of Onyx disintegrate and the colorful aura of phoebe, now on the ground, disappear.

“you see the BLACK AURORA is one of my masterpieces, it absorbs the light energy you emits, and use it as my own. Hihihi”

“Now what we will do” the seraphim asked.

“Don’t worry I will protect you!” Onyx told Phoebe

“its time to die children, AURORA STRI…. Ahhhhh…”

The aurora around jinx disappeared and at her back stood the young boy who she possessed previously, who stabbed her at the back, clinging on his side was Mink who was now awake and a little bit worried.

“You little rascal…” Jinx eventually turned around her hands were suddenly transformed into somewhat like a sword, as she was about to strike the boy Mink made use of his star tipped tail and emitted a slight lightthat bruned the hands of Jinx. But Jinx has other plans, though burned she cut off the star tipped tail from minks tail and floated on thin air, then disappeared. Phoebe and Onyx ran towards Mink who was injured for the star tipped tail was cut off from him. The seraphim touches mink who is now laid n the ground and crying for pain. Then the light from her body was transferred to minks tail and then instantly it was healed.

“thanks Phoebe I needed that… and thanks young boy for the help….” Mink was now feeling good.

“Oh im sorry for bringing trouble unto you, I saw you going outside and I thought it will be better to check what youre up to when suddenly this woman appeared and that’s all I remember. By the way im NIMROD, I am the son of the MILITIA Chief.”

“nice to meet you Nimrod, im Onyx, Shes Phoebe and this is mink.

“So you have powers huh, I really do admire you if I am of help just tell me.” Nimrod asked

“We need a lot of help now, but we should be very discreet for minions of the dark are following us and the map is with them already so we expect more to come.” Phoebe

“Youre right Phoebe” Mink answrred playfully

“Now we should focus more on the jewels for we need them to find the phoenix. We have already two the Moonstone and the Heavenstone, all of this time the third one is at Sunbulah of all places, the fourth on the map will be located on Mount Histuna and another on BLUE RIVERS end.” Onyx enumerated
“But that is only five of them, we need seven…” phoebe asked

“Yeah yeah youre right , we are about to get another two dots of light where the two other jewels are hidden but mr. hero here suddenly appeared and snatched me!!!” Mink explained…

“But five is a number. We need o move on…”Onyx led the way towards Sunbulah.

Three youngsters and a Mikiro is now leading their way towards their next destination: The town of Sunbulah.

Chapter 9: The Seraphims Light

Mink was still staring at Phoebe, now transformed as the Divine Seraphim. The white necklace she was wearing was glowing visibly from her chest. The pendant was shaped like an angel with an amber colored impression on the center.

“Phoebe, the seraphim has a divine and holy power of the light that brings faith and healing. It is a great power against evil and darkness of this world, you are in possession of the second jewel…” Mink blurted it out of intuition; he went back to the unconscious onyx and tried to heal him with the help of the Florolian flowers

“So you also have some magic tricks young lady, or should I call you Seraphim. Though you have the power can that power match mine? I doubt it… DEATH HOWL…” A ghoulish shadow appeared on the staff and suddenly attacked the seraphim.

Phoebe closed her eyes, lifted her arms as if praying… “SILENT PRAYER”… A colorful aura was conjured out of her hands and acted as shield. When the ghoulish shadow touched the aura, it vanishes in thin air. The seraphim pointed her hands to mink and the Knight and the same aura was conjured on both of them. Mink started to administer the FLOROLIAN flowers to Onyx.

“WHAAAAAT, you dare challenge my powers, taste my wrath, you wretched lady.” Cadaver was really angry for the failure on defeating just a girl.

He has mustered all his powers and brought to life the dead Militia on the ground. Around 20 Militia stood up, wielded their sword, now they acted as zombies for Cadaver. As the militia were slowly walking towards the pretty Seraphim, Cadaver started to chant some evil spell..

“CAARNUM, LARSA DARKUUM…” slowly the castle was beginning to be enveloped by darkness, ghoulish creatures howled in enjoyment as they saw the drawing darkness on the city of Hyrule. Though tensed and confused the seraphim closed her eyes to find the strength from within. Her heavenly wings started to emit light to give light to the darkness of the room. As she was doing this, Onyx started to wake up and he noticed what was happening, in front was Phoebe now transformed into a beautiful warrior Seraphim…

“DIVINE PROVIDENCE” the seraphim softly spoke and there was a sudden pause, out of no where an intense light was seen. All of a sudden the dark creatures were blinded by the intense light they saw. The ghoulish creature inside the room suddenly was vanquished. “WAVE OF LIGHT…” The Knights voice was heard and the militia zombies were seen falling dead again and after a few seconds only Cadaver was seen inside the room…

“NOOOOOOOOO!” cadaver was really angry now.

The Knight, The Seraphim and mink was next seen running towards the trap door that will lead them into the secret circular room. They opened the secret door through the Heavenstone as the key and they went directly to the great library of Grandma Erythrine as they opened the door, they saw that the room was disorganized and an Ornakh is administering its sickness to Erythrine…

“WAVE OF LIGHT” a wave of light was emitted from the sword of Onyx. The ghoul was vanquished but it was too late the sickness has been administered, a sickness that even the Florolian flower cannot heal.

“I knew you will find the powers of the heavenstone I knew it…”

Phoebe began to cry, the wings of lights started to disappear as well as Onyx’s light armor as they touched the jewels.

“Oh grandma dot leave me I need you…”

“Shhhh, my princess its time for you to stand tall and fight the darkness, you have found your strength from within and that will help you all the way, you have found new friends treasure them for they are JEWELS that cannot ever be replaced, cannot be destroyed.…” Grandma Erythrine focused her sight on Mink and Onyx. “Gentlemen protect her, protect yourselves, find the phoenix restore the kingdom, bring peace, light and the balance… just remember… in the midst of total darkness where everything seems hopeless, the light will come from within…” then Grandma erythrine died…

“Nooo grandma…” Phoebe was seen crying.


“The light of the Sunstar is slowly coming back, it is almost afternoon, Phoebe we have to move on… we should be strong, we need to go back to Sunbulah, I need to check on my mom..”Onyx was a little concerned on his mom..

A tear from phoebes blue eyes was seen falling into grandmas face, and as phoebe releases her hold on grandmas hands, A light suddenly appeared from grandmas body and all of a sudden tiny little specks of light was seen, her body is slowly disintegrating into some kind of tiny little starlights and floated on air towards the sky and all of a sudden disappeared. Onyx assured Phoebe that her grandmother is happy wherever she maybe…